Saturday 22 June 2013

#VoteJames The Project - Explained

Hello all,

I am James Martin, currently a 20 year old student studying Criminology and Law at the University of Plymouth. Between the years 2004 and 2011 I lived in Bideford, attending Bideford College. Here I attained my GCSE's and A levels. Throughout the majority of my time in Bideford as well as since my parents moved to Nottinghamshire Geoffrey Cox has been the MP. The constituency is in fact Torridge and West Devon. To put it nicely, I feel that many people feel angered by the way the Coalition Government have run the country and I feel someone needs to try to voice the opinions of not just young people, but the normal people. I also feel that an MP should have one job and this is to be an MP for the constituents and of course, regarding certain elements, for the nation. This is where me and Geoffrey disagree as I'm sure you'll know he gets a huge income as a lawyer, for all those who doubt this here is his chambers page about him. Regarding my degree, it will be finished by the election and if I were to be an MP at any point during my life, that would be my only job.

Torridge and West Devon doesn't deserve to be put second by their MP, this place has great potential, good people, however it has one of the lowest average incomes and this should certainly be a concern for an MP. However Geoffrey doesn't seem to worry too much about this, but more that Barristers and Solicitors should receive a higher income. The constituents deserve more than to be put second to a profession.

I also have an issue with the parties that have been in power, not just now, but during my life. It has always felt like the young people have been used regarding many different things. For instance one of the first things that happened when the Coalition came in was that students got a higher tuition fee, this puts students in a huge amount of debt before the majority have started full time work. I remember that amongst others I messaged Geoffrey and my message fell on deaf ears, the letter gave no acknowledgement of the opinion and it was enforced. Well if somehow this project succeeds, then that won't happen again. An MP shouldn't talk just for a party, but for their constituents and the rest of the public's concerns. The Liberal Democrats (the second largest party in this constituency) let people down in this too by stepping back on their word of eventually abolishing this. Now one person can't go in and abolish fees, but one person can stand for the general public's discontent and one person can vote for the people and that is what I propose to do.

What's the point in voting for the One Percent who seem to be in Parliament for their own will, when you can have someone to talk on behalf of the Ninety-Nine Percent? (The song below relates to this, therefore if I can get through the elements to actually stand, this will be the song that I shall use.) Let's do this!

Thanks for reading.


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